You might already know how to use the --color option to highlight matched portions with GNU grep. In this post, you'll see how to use ANSI escape sequences to format matched portions with GNU sed and GNU awk.

GNU grep🔗

Consider this sample input file:

$ cat fruits.txt
banana mango cherry pineapple
grape fig apple dragonfruit papaya
watermelon cashew tomato orange
almond lime grapefruit walnut

The output for grep --color -wE '[ago]\w+' fruits.txt is shown below:

Example for displaying matched portions in color with GNU grep

info See this section from my ebook on GNU grep for more details about this option. ripgrep has a more featured support for color formatting, see this section for an example.

Formatting with ANSI escape sequences🔗

Here are some examples to show how you can format text in the terminal using ANSI escape sequences:

Examples for formatting with ANSI escape sequences

Your choice of formatting goes between \033[ and m. You can use 01 for bold, 03 for italics and 04 for underline. 31 is for the color red, 32 for green and 34 for blue. Multiple formats can be specified by separating the parameters with a semicolon. Using 0 turns off the format (otherwise, it will persist in the current terminal session until turned off).

If you find a file that has accidentally saved such escape sequences, you can use cat -v to identify them.

$ echo 'one (two) three' | grep --color=always '(two)' | cat -v
one ^[[01;31m^[[K(two)^[[m^[[K three

See also:

info Note that you can also use \e instead of \033 in the above examples. However, that will not work with the GNU awk examples shown below.

GNU sed🔗

With GNU sed, you'll need to use \o to specify an octal escape sequence. Here's an example:

Example for displaying matched portions in color with GNU sed

Here's an example for processing lines bounded by distinct markers:

$ cat blocks.txt
--start 1--
dragon 1234
unicorn 6789
**end 1**
have a nice day
--start 2--
a b c
apple banana cherry
**end 2**

Highlighting portion of interest in multiline processing with GNU sed

GNU awk🔗

With GNU awk, you can embed the ANSI escape sequences in a string similar to the printf example seen earlier.

Example for displaying matched portions in color with GNU awk

Here's a field processing example:

$ cat marks.txt 
Dept    Name    Marks
ECE     Raj     53
ECE     Joel    62
EEE     Moi     68
CSE     Surya   81
EEE     Tia     59
ECE     Om      92
CSE     Amy     67

$ cat filter.txt 
ECE 70
EEE 65
CSE 80

Color field processing results with GNU awk

Linux CLI ebooks🔗

Check out my ebooks if you are interested in learning more about Linux CLI basics, coreutils, text processing tools like GNU grep, GNU sed, GNU awk and perl.