Computer Science and Programming

Resources include both Computer science and Computer programming and others like tools, self care, etc.

First steps

Computer Science



  • freeCodeCamp — JavaScript, Responsive Web Design, Libraries, etc
  • The Odin Project — HTML/CSS, JavaScript, Ruby on Rails, Node.js, etc
  • CS50's Web Programming — design and implementation of web apps with Python, JavaScript, and SQL using frameworks like Flask, Django, and Bootstrap
  • Learn HTML and CSS and JavaScript — learn to build your very first web pages and the basics of JavaScript by solving interactive coding challenges and building fun projects
  • Codepip — learn web development by playing games

Programming for kids



FAQ and Tips

Squash those pesky bugs

FAQ on stackexchange

Given links are sorted by votes, do explore other tabs as well.

Practice makes perfect

Practice sites

Resource lists



  • Awesome Cheatsheet — Platforms, Programming Languages, Editors, Databases, etc
  • learnxinyminutes — whirlwind tour of programming languages, concepts and tools
  • tldr-pages — collaborative cheatsheets for console commands
  • devhints — cheatsheets for various programming languages and tools
  • Regex cheatsheets — my blog posts on Python, JavaScript and GNU BRE/ERE

Style guides


IDE and Text Editors

Version control


  • Awesome Dev Env — curated list of tools, resources and workflow tips
  • free-for-dev — list of SaaS, PaaS and IaaS offerings
  • Public APIs — list of free APIs for use in software and web development
  • Jupyter — interactive computing across dozens of programming languages
  • Compiler Explorer — interactive compiler, code to asm for various programming languages and platforms


Read instructions provided by respective forums before asking a question. Try solving it yourself before asking — searching online, reading manuals, ask a colleague, etc. See also how to ask smart-questions.