Vim resources

Installation and documentation

  • — official Vim repository
  • :h usr_90.txt — user manual for installation, common issues, upgrading, uninstallation, etc
  • vimhelp: help.txt — HTML version of the Vim help pages like 'Getting Started', 'Editing Effectively', reference manuals, etc
  • vimhelp: quickref.txt — Overview of the most common commands you will use
  • vimhelp: vim_faq.txt — created from the questions and answers posted to the user mailing list and the comp.editors newsgroup

After installation, use vimtutor (or gvimtutor) command for a "30-minute tutorial that teaches the most basic Vim functionality hands-on".

Text Tutorials


Interactive learning


Customizing Vim

Tips and Tricks

Further Reading


Read instructions provided by respective forums before asking a question. Try solving it yourself before asking — searching online, manual, ask a colleague, etc.