Further Reading
man awk
andinfo awk
and online manual- Information about various implementations of
- awk FAQ — great resource, but last modified 23 May 2002
- grymoire: awk tutorial — covers information about different
versions as well - cheat sheet for awk/nawk/gawk
- list of freely available awk implementations
- Q&A on stackoverflow/stackexchange are good source of learning material, good for practice exercises as well
- Learn Regular Expressions (has information on flavors other than POSIX too)
- regular-expressions — tutorials and tools
- rexegg — tutorials, tricks and more
- stackoverflow: What does this regex mean?
- online regex tester and debugger — not fully suitable for CLI tools, but most of ERE syntax works
- My ebooks on CLI text processing tools
- Related tools
- GNU datamash
- See my blog post for basic examples
- bioawk
- frawk — an efficient awk-like language, implemented in Rust
- goawk — POSIX-compliant awk interpreter written in Go, with CSV support
- hawk — similar to awk, but using Haskell as the text-processing language
- miller — similar to awk/sed/cut/join/sort for name-indexed data such as CSV, TSV, and tabular JSON (see this news.ycombinator discussion for other tools like this)
- GNU datamash
- Miscellaneous
- unix.stackexchange: When to use grep, sed, awk, perl, etc
- awk-libs — lots of useful functions
- awkaster — Pseudo-3D shooter written completely in awk
- awk REPL — live editor (browser app)
- ASCII reference and locale usage
- Examples for some of the topics not covered in this book
- unix.stackexchange: rand/srand
- unix.stackexchange: strftime
- stackoverflow: arbitrary precision integer extension
- stackoverflow: recognizing hexadecimal numbers
- unix.stackexchange: sprintf and file closing
- unix.stackexchange: user defined functions and array passing
- unix.stackexchange: rename CSV files based on number of fields in header row