Gotchas and Tips

This chapter will discuss some of the often made beginner mistakes, corner cases as well as a few tricks to improve performance.

info The example_files directory has all the files used in the examples.

Prefixing $ for variables

Some scripting languages like bash require a $ prefix when you need the value stored in a variable. For example, if you declare name='Joe' you'd need echo "$name" to print the value. This may result in using $ prefix and other bashisms in awk as well when you are a beginner. To make it a bit worse, awk has the $N syntax for accessing field contents, which could result in false comprehension that all variables need the $ prefix to access their values. See also unix.stackexchange: Why does awk print the whole line when I want it to print a variable?.

# silently fails, $word becomes $0 because of string to numeric conversion
$ awk -v word="cake" '$2==$word' table.txt
# works when the variable is used correctly
$ awk -v word="cake" '$2==word' table.txt
blue cake mug shirt -7

# here 'field' gets replaced with '2' and hence $2 is printed
$ awk -v field=2 '{print $field}' table.txt

DOS style line endings

As mentioned before, line endings differ from one platform to another. On Windows, it is typically a combination of carriage return and the newline character and referred as DOS style line endings. Since GNU awk allows multicharacter RS, it is easy to handle. See stackoverflow: Why does my tool output overwrite itself and how do I fix it? for a detailed discussion and various mitigation methods.

# no issue with Unix style line ending
$ printf 'mat dog\n123 789\n' | awk '{print $2, $1}'
dog mat
789 123

# DOS style line ending causes trouble
$ printf 'mat dog\r\n123 789\r\n' | awk '{print $2, $1}'
$ printf 'mat dog\r\n123 789\r\n' | awk '{sub(/$/, ".")} 1'
.at dog
.23 789

# use \r?\n if you want to handle both Unix and DOS style with the same command
# and use ORS=RT to preserve the line ending style
$ printf 'mat dog\r\n123 789\r\n' | awk -v RS='\r\n' '{print $2, $1}'
dog mat
789 123
$ printf 'mat dog\r\n123 789\r\n' | awk -v RS='\r\n' '{sub(/$/, ".")} 1'
mat dog.
123 789.

Behavior of ^ and $ when string contains newline

In some regular expression implementations, ^ matches the start of a line and $ matches the end of a line (with newline as the line separator). In awk, these anchors always match the start of the entire string and end of the entire string respectively. This comes into play when RS is other than the newline character, or if you have a string value containing newline characters.

# 'apple\n' doesn't match as there's a newline character
$ printf 'apple\n,mustard,grape,\nmango' | awk -v RS=, '/e$/'

# '\nmango' doesn't match as there's a newline character
$ printf 'apple\n,mustard,grape,\nmango' | awk -v RS=, '/^m/'

Word boundary differences

The word boundary \y matches both the start and end of word locations. Whereas, \< and \> will match exactly the start and end of word locations respectively. This leads to cases where you have to choose which of these word boundaries to use depending on the results desired. Consider I have 12, he has 2! as a sample text, shown below as an image with vertical bars marking the word boundaries. The last character ! doesn't have the end of word boundary marker as it is not a word character.

word boundary

# \y matches both the start and end of word boundaries
# the first match here used starting boundary of 'I' and 'have'
$ echo 'I have 12, he has 2!' | awk '{gsub(/\y..\y/, "[&]")} 1'
[I ]have [12][, ][he] has[ 2]!

# \< and \> only matches the start and end word boundaries respectively
$ echo 'I have 12, he has 2!' | awk '{gsub(/\<..\>/, "[&]")} 1'
I have [12], [he] has 2!

Here's another example to show the difference between the two types of word boundaries.

# add something to both the start/end of word
$ echo 'hi log_42 12b' | awk '{gsub(/\y/, ":")} 1'
:hi: :log_42: :12b:

# add something only at the start of word
$ echo 'hi log_42 12b' | awk '{gsub(/\</, ":")} 1'
:hi :log_42 :12b

# add something only at the end of word
$ echo 'hi log_42 12b' | awk '{gsub(/\>/, ":")} 1'
hi: log_42: 12b:

Relying on the default initial value

Uninitialized variables are useful, but sometimes they don't translate well if you are converting a command from a single file input to multiple files. You have to workout which ones would need a reset at the beginning of each file being processed.

# step 1: works for a single file
$ awk '{sum += $NF} END{print sum}' table.txt

# step 2: prepare code to work for multiple files
$ awk '{sum += $NF} ENDFILE{print FILENAME ":" sum}' table.txt

# step 3: check with multiple file input
# oops, default numerical value '0' for sum works only once
$ awk '{sum += $NF} ENDFILE{print FILENAME ":" sum}' table.txt marks.txt

# step 4: correctly initialize variables
$ awk '{sum += $NF} ENDFILE{print FILENAME ":" sum; sum=0}' table.txt marks.txt

Code in the replacement section

The replacement section in the substitution functions can accept any expression, which are converted to string whenever necessary. What happens if the regexp doesn't match the input string but the expression can change the value of a variable, such as increment/decrement operators? Well, the expression is still executed, which may or may not be what you need.

# no match for the second line, but 'c' was still modified
$ awk '{sub(/^(br|ye)/, ++c ") &")} 1' table.txt
1) brown bread mat hair 42
blue cake mug shirt -7
3) yellow banana window shoes 3.14

# check for a match before applying the substitution
# this may also help to simplify the regexp for substitution
# or, you could save the regexp in a variable to avoid duplication
# can also use: awk '/^(br|ye)/{$0 = ++c ") " $0} 1' table.txt
$ awk '/^(br|ye)/{sub(/^/, ++c ") ")} 1' table.txt
1) brown bread mat hair 42
blue cake mug shirt -7
2) yellow banana window shoes 3.14

Another important point to note is that the expression is executed only once per function call, not for every match.

# the first line has two matches but 'c' is modified only once
$ awk '{gsub(/\<b/, ++c ") &")} 1' table.txt
1) brown 1) bread mat hair 42
2) blue cake mug shirt -7
yellow 3) banana window shoes 3.14

Forcing numeric context

You can use the unary operator + to force numeric conversion. A variable might have numeric operations but still not get assigned a number if there's no input to read. So, when printing a variable that should be a number, use unary + to ensure it prints 0 instead of an empty string.

# numbers present in the last column, so no issues
$ awk '{sum += $NF} END{print sum}' table.txt
# strings in the first column, gets treated as 0
$ awk '{sum += $1} END{print sum}' table.txt

# no input at all, an empty string is printed
$ awk '{sum += $1} END{print sum}' /dev/null

# forced conversion to number, 0 is printed
$ awk '{sum += $1} END{print +sum}' /dev/null

Locale based numbers

The -N option (or --use-lc-numeric) is useful to work with floating-point numbers based on the current locale.

# my locale uses . for the decimal point
$ echo '3.14' | awk '{$0++} 1'

$ echo '3,14' | awk '{$0++} 1'
$ echo '3,14' | LC_NUMERIC=de_DE awk -N '{$0++} 1'

Forcing string context

Concatenate an empty string to force string comparison.

# parentheses around the first argument to print used for clarity
# fields get compared as numbers here
$ echo '5 5.0' | awk '{print ($1==$2 ? "same" : "different"), "number"}'
same number

# fields get compared as strings here
$ echo '5 5.0' | awk '{print ($1""==$2 ? "same" : "different"), "string"}'
different string

Negative NF

Manipulating NF sometimes leads to a negative value. Fortunately, awk throws an error instead of failing silently.

# example file with different number of fields
$ cat varying.txt
good cool awesome
blue sky
12 34 56 78 90

# delete the last two fields
$ awk '{NF -= 2} 1' varying.txt
awk: cmd. line:1: (FILENAME=varying.txt FNR=1) fatal: NF set to negative value

# add a condition to check the number of fields
# assumes that lines with less than 3 fields shouldn't be modified
$ awk 'NF>2{NF -= 2} 1' varying.txt
blue sky
12 34 56

Here's another example. Goal is to access the third field from the end.

$ awk '{print $(NF-2)}' varying.txt
awk: cmd. line:1: (FILENAME=varying.txt FNR=1) fatal: attempt to access field -1

# print only if there are minimum 3 fields
$ awk 'NF>2{print $(NF-2)}' varying.txt

Faster execution

Changing the locale to ASCII (assuming that the default is not ASCII) can give a significant speed boost. Using mawk is another way to speed up the execution, provided you are not using GNU awk specific features. There are many feature differences, for example, mawk doesn't support the {} form of quantifiers (see unix.stackexchange: How to specify regex quantifiers with mawk? for details). See also wikipedia: awk Versions and implementations.

# time shown is the best result from multiple runs
# speed benefit will vary depending on computing resources, input, etc
# words.txt contains dictionary words, one word per line
$ time awk '/^([a-d][r-z]){3}$/' words.txt > f1
real    0m0.027s

$ time LC_ALL=C awk '/^([a-d][r-z]){3}$/' words.txt > f2
real    0m0.015s

$ time mawk '/^[a-d][r-z][a-d][r-z][a-d][r-z]$/' words.txt > f3
real    0m0.009s

# check that the results are the same
$ diff -s f1 f2
Files f1 and f2 are identical
$ diff -s f2 f3
Files f2 and f3 are identical
# clean up temporary files
$ rm f[123]

Here's another example.

# count words containing exactly 3 lowercase 'a' characters
$ time awk -F'a' 'NF==4{cnt++} END{print +cnt}' words.txt
real    0m0.030s

$ time LC_ALL=C awk -F'a' 'NF==4{cnt++} END{print +cnt}' words.txt
real    0m0.020s

$ time mawk -F'a' 'NF==4{cnt++} END{print +cnt}' words.txt
real    0m0.013s

info See also frawk, an efficient awk-like language implemented in Rust. And huniq, a faster alternative for removing line based duplicates.