Regular Expressions

Regular Expressions is a versatile tool for text processing. It helps to precisely define a matching criteria. For learning and understanding purposes, one can view regular expressions as a mini-programming language in itself, specialized for text processing. Parts of a regular expression can be saved for future use, analogous to variables and functions. There are ways to perform AND, OR, NOT conditionals, features to concisely define repetition to avoid manual replication and so on.

Here are some common use cases:

  • Sanitizing a string to ensure that it satisfies a known set of rules. For example, to check if a given string matches password rules.
  • Filtering or extracting portions on an abstract level like alphabets, digits, punctuation and so on.
  • Qualified string replacement. For example, at the start or the end of a string, only whole words, based on surrounding text, etc.

This chapter will cover regular expressions as implemented in awk. Most of awk's regular expression syntax is similar to Extended Regular Expression (ERE) supported by grep -E and sed -E. Unless otherwise indicated, examples and descriptions will assume ASCII input.

info See also POSIX specification for regular expressions and unix.stackexchange: Why does my regular expression work in X but not in Y? See my blog post for differences between regexp features supported by grep, sed and awk.

info The example_files directory has all the files used in the examples.

Syntax and variable assignment

As seen in the previous chapter, the syntax is string ~ /regexp/ to check if the given string satisfies the rules specified by the regexp. And string !~ /regexp/ to invert the condition. By default, $0 is checked if the string isn't specified. You can also save a regexp literal in a variable by adding @ as a prefix. This is needed because /regexp/ by itself would mean $0 ~ /regexp/.

$ printf 'spared no one\ngrasped\nspar\n' | awk '/ed/'
spared no one

$ printf 'spared no one\ngrasped\nspar\n' | awk 'BEGIN{r = @/ed/} $0 ~ r'
spared no one

String Anchors

In the examples seen so far, the regexp was a simple string value without any special characters. Also, the regexp pattern evaluated to true if it was found anywhere in the string. Instead of matching anywhere in the string, restrictions can be specified. These restrictions are made possible by assigning special meaning to certain characters and escape sequences. The characters with special meaning are known as metacharacters in regular expressions parlance. In case you need to match those characters literally, you need to escape them with a \ character (discussed in the Matching the metacharacters section).

There are two string anchors:

  • ^ metacharacter restricts the matching to the start of the string
  • $ metacharacter restricts the matching to the end of the string

By default, awk processes input line by line, using a newline character as the separator. This separator won't be part of the contents in $0 but you get back the newline when printing because the default output record separator is also a newline character. Thus, these string anchors can be considered as line anchors when you are processing input content line by line.

$ cat anchors.txt
sub par
apparent effort
two spare computers
cart part tart mart

# lines starting with 'sp'
$ awk '/^sp/' anchors.txt

# lines ending with 'ar'
$ awk '/ar$/' anchors.txt
sub par

By combining these two anchors, you can restrict the matching to only whole lines. Here's an example:

# change only whole line 'spar'
# can also use: awk '/^spar$/{$0 = 123} 1'
# can also use: awk '$0=="spar"{$0 = 123} 1'
$ printf 'spared no one\npar\nspar\n' | awk '{sub(/^spar$/, "123")} 1'
spared no one

The anchors can be used by themselves as a pattern too. Helps to insert text at the start/end of a string, emulating string concatenation operations. These might not feel like a useful capability, but combined with other features they become quite a handy tool.

# add '* ' at the start of every input line
$ printf 'spared no one\ngrasped\nspar\n' | awk '{gsub(/^/, "* ")} 1'
* spared no one
* grasped
* spar

# append '.' only if a line doesn't contain space characters
$ printf 'spared no one\ngrasped\nspar\n' | awk '!/ /{gsub(/$/, ".")} 1'
spared no one

info See also the Behavior of ^ and $ when string contains newline section.

Word Anchors

The second type of restriction is word anchors. A word character is any alphabet (irrespective of case), digit and the underscore character. You might wonder why there are digits and underscores as well, why not only alphabets? This comes from variable and function naming conventions — typically alphabets, digits and underscores are allowed. So, the definition is more programming oriented than natural language.

Use \< to indicate the start of word anchor and \> to indicate the end of word anchor. As an alternate, you can use \y to indicate both the start and end of word anchors.

$ cat anchors.txt
sub par
apparent effort
two spare computers
cart part tart mart

# words starting with 'par'
$ awk '/\<par/' anchors.txt
sub par
cart part tart mart

# words ending with 'par'
$ awk '/par\>/' anchors.txt
sub par

# replace only whole word 'par'
# note that only lines where the substitution succeeded will be printed
# as the return value of sub/gsub is the number of substitutions made
$ awk 'gsub(/\<par\>/, "***")' anchors.txt
sub ***

info Typically \b is used to represent the word anchor (for example, in grep, sed, perl, etc), but in awk the escape sequence \b refers to the backspace character. See also the Word boundary differences section.

Opposite Word Anchor

The \y escape sequence has an opposite anchor too. \B matches wherever \y doesn't match. This duality will be seen later with some other escape sequences too.

# match 'par' if it is surrounded by word characters
$ awk '/\Bpar\B/' anchors.txt
apparent effort
two spare computers

# match 'par' but not at the start of a word
$ awk '/\Bpar/' anchors.txt
apparent effort
two spare computers

# match 'par' but not at the end of a word
$ awk '/par\B/' anchors.txt
apparent effort
two spare computers
cart part tart mart

Here are some examples for using word boundaries by themselves as a pattern:

$ echo 'copper' | awk '{gsub(/\y/, ":")} 1'

$ echo 'copper' | awk '{gsub(/\B/, ":")} 1'

warning Negative logic is handy in many text processing situations. But use it with care, you might end up matching things you didn't intend.

Combining conditions

Before seeing the next regexp feature, it is good to note that sometimes using logical operators is easier to read and maintain compared to doing everything with regexp.

# lines starting with 'b' and not containing 'at'
$ awk '/^b/ && !/at/' table.txt
blue cake mug shirt -7

# first field contains 'low'
# or, the last field value is less than 0
$ awk '$1 ~ /low/ || $NF<0' table.txt
blue cake mug shirt -7
yellow banana window shoes 3.14


Many a times, you'd want to search for multiple terms. In a conditional expression, you can use the logical operators to combine multiple conditions (see the previous section for examples). With regular expressions, the | metacharacter is similar to logical OR. The regular expression will match if any of the patterns separated by | is satisfied.

Alternation is similar to using the || operator between two regexps. Having a single regexp helps to write terser code and || cannot be used when substitution is required.

# match whole word 'par' or string ending with 's'
# same as: awk '/\<par\>/ || /s$/'
$ awk '/\<par\>|s$/' anchors.txt
sub par
two spare computers

# replace 'cat' or 'dog' or 'fox' with '--'
# note the use of gsub for multiple replacements
$ echo 'cats dog bee parrot foxed' | awk '{gsub(/cat|dog|fox/, "--")} 1'
--s -- bee parrot --ed

Alternation precedence

There are some tricky corner cases when using alternation. If it is used for filtering a line, there is no ambiguity. However, for use cases like substitution, it depends on a few factors. Say, you want to replace are or spared — which one should get precedence? The bigger word spared or the substring are inside it or based on something else?

The alternative which matches earliest in the input gets precedence.

# here, the output will be the same irrespective of alternation order
# note that 'sub' is used here, so only the first match gets replaced
$ echo 'cats dog bee parrot foxed' | awk '{sub(/bee|parrot|at/, "--")} 1'
c--s dog bee parrot foxed
$ echo 'cats dog bee parrot foxed' | awk '{sub(/parrot|at|bee/, "--")} 1'
c--s dog bee parrot foxed

In case of matches starting from the same location, for example spar and spared, the longest matching portion gets precedence. Unlike other regular expression implementations, left-to-right priority for alternation comes into play only if the length of the matches are the same. See Longest match wins and Backreferences sections for more examples. See regular-expressions: alternation for more information on this topic.

$ echo 'spared party parent' | awk '{sub(/spa|spared/, "**")} 1'
** party parent
$ echo 'spared party parent' | awk '{sub(/spared|spa/, "**")} 1'
** party parent

# other regexp flavors like Perl have left-to-right priority
$ echo 'spared party parent' | perl -pe 's/spa|spared/**/'
**red party parent


Often, there are some common things among the regular expression alternatives. It could be common characters or qualifiers like the anchors. In such cases, you can group them using a pair of parentheses metacharacters. Similar to a(b+c)d = abd+acd in maths, you get a(b|c)d = abd|acd in regular expressions.

# without grouping
$ printf 'red\nreform\nread\narrest\n' | awk '/reform|rest/'
# with grouping
$ printf 'red\nreform\nread\narrest\n' | awk '/re(form|st)/'

# without grouping
$ awk '/\<par\>|\<part\>/' anchors.txt
sub par
cart part tart mart
# taking out common anchors
$ awk '/\<(par|part)\>/' anchors.txt
sub par
cart part tart mart
# taking out common characters as well
# you'll later learn a better technique instead of using an empty alternate
$ awk '/\<par(|t)\>/' anchors.txt
sub par
cart part tart mart

Matching the metacharacters

You have already seen a few metacharacters and escape sequences that help compose a regular expression. To match the metacharacters literally, i.e. to remove their special meaning, prefix those characters with a \ character. To indicate a literal \ character, use \\.

Unlike grep and sed, the string anchors have to be always escaped to match them literally as there is no BRE mode in awk. They do not lose their special meaning even when not used in their customary positions.

# awk '/b^2/' will not work even though ^ isn't being used as anchor
# b^2 will work for both grep and sed if you use BRE syntax
$ printf 'a^2 + b^2 - C*3\nd = c^2' | awk '/b\^2/'
a^2 + b^2 - C*3

# note that ')' doesn't need to be escaped
$ echo '(a*b) + c' | awk '{gsub(/\(|)/, "")} 1'
a*b + c

$ printf '%s\n' '\learn\by\example' | awk '{gsub(/\\/, "/")} 1'

info Handling the replacement section metacharacters will be discussed in the Backreferences section.

Using string literal as a regexp

The first argument to the sub and gsub functions can be a string as well, which will then be converted to a regexp. This is handy in a few cases. For example, if you have many / characters in the search pattern, it might become easier to use a string literal instead of a regexp.

$ p='/home/learnbyexample/reports'
$ echo "$p" | awk '{sub(/\/home\/learnbyexample\//, "~/")} 1'
$ echo "$p" | awk '{sub("/home/learnbyexample/", "~/")} 1'

# filtering example
$ printf '/home/joe/1\n/home/john/1\n' | awk '/\/home\/joe\//'
$ printf '/home/joe/1\n/home/john/1\n' | awk '$0 ~ "/home/joe/"'

In the above examples, the string literal was supplied directly. But any other expression or variable can be used as well, examples for which will be shown later in this chapter. The reason why string isn't always used to represent regexp is that the special meaning for the \ character will clash. For example:

$ awk 'gsub("\<par\>", "X")' anchors.txt
awk: cmd. line:1: warning: escape sequence `\<' treated as plain `<'
awk: cmd. line:1: warning: escape sequence `\>' treated as plain `>'

# you'll need \\ to represent a single \
$ awk 'gsub("\\<par\\>", "X")' anchors.txt
sub X
# regexp literal is better suited in these cases
$ awk 'gsub(/\<par\>/, "X")' anchors.txt
sub X

# another example
$ printf '%s\n' '\learn\by\example' | awk '{gsub("\\\\", "/")} 1'
$ printf '%s\n' '\learn\by\example' | awk '{gsub(/\\/, "/")} 1'

info See gawk manual: Gory details for more information than you'd want to know.

The dot meta character

The dot metacharacter serves as a placeholder to match any character (including the newline character). Later you'll learn how to define your own custom placeholder for a limited set of characters.

# 3 character sequence starting with 'c' and ending with 't'
$ echo 'tac tin cot abc:tyz excited' | awk '{gsub(/c.t/, "-")} 1'
ta-in - ab-yz ex-ed

# any character followed by 3 and again any character
$ printf '42\t3500\n' | awk '{gsub(/.3./, ":")} 1'

# example to show that . matches \n as well
# 'c' followed by any character followed by 'x'
$ awk 'BEGIN{s="abc\nxyz"; sub(/c.x/, " ", s); print s}'
ab yz


Alternation helps you match one among multiple patterns. Combining the dot metacharacter with quantifiers (and alternation if needed) paves a way to perform logical AND between patterns. For example, to check if a string matches two patterns with any number of characters in between. Quantifiers can be applied to characters, groupings and some more constructs that'll be discussed later. Apart from the ability to specify exact quantity and bounded range, these can also match unbounded varying quantities.

First up, the ? metacharacter which quantifies a character or group to match 0 or 1 times. This helps to define optional patterns and build terser patterns.

# same as: awk '{gsub(/\<(fe.d|fed)\>/, "X")} 1'
$ echo 'fed fold fe:d feeder' | awk '{gsub(/\<fe.?d\>/, "X")} 1'
X fold X feeder

# same as: awk '/\<par(|t)\>/'
$ awk '/\<part?\>/' anchors.txt
sub par
cart part tart mart

# same as: awk '{gsub(/part|parrot/, "X")} 1'
$ echo 'par part parrot parent' | awk '{gsub(/par(ro)?t/, "X")} 1'
par X X parent
# same as: awk '{gsub(/part|parrot|parent/, "X")} 1'
$ echo 'par part parrot parent' | awk '{gsub(/par(en|ro)?t/, "X")} 1'
par X X X

# matches '<' or '\<' and they are both replaced with '\<'
$ echo 'apple \< fig ice < apple cream <' | awk '{gsub(/\\?</, "\\<")} 1'
apple \< fig ice \< apple cream \<

The * metacharacter quantifies a character or group to match 0 or more times.

# 'f' followed by zero or more of 'e' followed by 'd'
$ echo 'fd fed fod fe:d feeeeder' | awk '{gsub(/fe*d/, "X")} 1'
X X fod fe:d Xer

# zero or more of '1' followed by '2'
$ echo '3111111111125111142' | awk '{gsub(/1*2/, "-")} 1'

The + metacharacter quantifies a character or group to match 1 or more times.

# 'f' followed by one or more of 'e' followed by 'd'
$ echo 'fd fed fod fe:d feeeeder' | awk '{gsub(/fe+d/, "X")} 1'
fd X fod fe:d Xer

# one or more of '1' followed by optional '4' and then '2'
$ echo '3111111111125111142' | awk '{gsub(/1+4?2/, "-")} 1'

You can specify a range of integer numbers, both bounded and unbounded, using {} metacharacters. There are four ways to use this quantifier as listed below:

{m,n}match m to n times
{m,}match at least m times
{,n}match up to n times (including 0 times)
{n}match exactly n times
# note that stray characters like space are not allowed anywhere within {}
$ echo 'ac abc abbc abbbc abbbbbbbbc' | awk '{gsub(/ab{1,4}c/, "X")} 1'
ac X X X abbbbbbbbc

$ echo 'ac abc abbc abbbc abbbbbbbbc' | awk '{gsub(/ab{3,}c/, "X")} 1'
ac abc abbc X X

$ echo 'ac abc abbc abbbc abbbbbbbbc' | awk '{gsub(/ab{,2}c/, "X")} 1'
X X X abbbc abbbbbbbbc

$ echo 'ac abc abbc abbbc abbbbbbbbc' | awk '{gsub(/ab{3}c/, "X")} 1'
ac abc abbc X abbbbbbbbc

info The {} metacharacters have to be escaped to match them literally. Similar to the () metacharacters, escaping { alone is enough. If it doesn't conform strictly to any of the four forms listed above, escaping is not needed at all.

$ echo 'a{5} = 10' | awk '{sub(/a\{5}/, "x")} 1'
x = 10
$ echo 'report_{a,b}.txt' | awk '{sub(/_{a,b}/, "_c")} 1'

Conditional AND

Next up, how to construct conditional AND using dot metacharacter and quantifiers.

# match 'Error' followed by zero or more characters followed by 'valid'
$ echo 'Error: not a valid input' | awk '/Error.*valid/'
Error: not a valid input

To allow matching in any order, you'll have to bring in alternation as well.

# 'cat' followed by 'dog' or 'dog' followed by 'cat'
$ echo 'two cats and a dog' | awk '{gsub(/cat.*dog|dog.*cat/, "pets")} 1'
two pets
$ echo 'two dogs and a cat' | awk '{gsub(/cat.*dog|dog.*cat/, "pets")} 1'
two pets

Longest match wins

You've already seen an example where the longest matching portion was chosen if the alternatives started from the same location. For example spar|spared will result in spared being chosen over spar. The same applies whenever there are two or more matching possibilities from the same starting location. For example, f.?o will match foo instead of fo if the input string to match is foot.

# longest match among 'foo' and 'fo' wins here
$ echo 'foot' | awk '{sub(/f.?o/, "X")} 1'
# everything will match here
$ echo 'car bat cod map scat dot abacus' | awk '{sub(/.*/, "X")} 1'

# longest match happens when (1|2|3)+ matches up to '1233' only
# so that '12apple' can match as well
$ echo 'fig123312apple' | awk '{sub(/g(1|2|3)+(12apple)?/, "X")} 1'
# in other implementations like Perl, that is not the case
# precedence is left-to-right for greedy quantifiers
$ echo 'fig123312apple' | perl -pe 's/g(1|2|3)+(12apple)?/X/'

While determining the longest match, the overall regular expression matching is also considered. That's how the Error.*valid example worked. If .* had consumed everything after Error, there wouldn't be any more characters to try to match valid. So, among the varying quantity of characters to match for .*, the longest portion that satisfies the overall regular expression is chosen. Something like a.*b will match from the first a in the input string to the last b. In other implementations, like Perl, this is achieved through a process called backtracking. These approaches have their own advantages and disadvantages and have cases where the pattern can result in exponential time consumption.

# from the start of line to the last 'b' in the line
$ echo 'car bat cod map scat dot abacus' | awk '{sub(/.*b/, "-")} 1'

# from the first 'b' to the last 't' in the line
$ echo 'car bat cod map scat dot abacus' | awk '{sub(/b.*t/, "-")} 1'
car - abacus

# from the first 'b' to the last 'at' in the line
$ echo 'car bat cod map scat dot abacus' | awk '{sub(/b.*at/, "-")} 1'
car - dot abacus

# here 'm*' will match 'm' zero times as that gives the longest match
$ echo 'car bat cod map scat dot abacus' | awk '{sub(/a.*m*/, "-")} 1'

Character classes

To create a custom placeholder for a limited set of characters, enclose them inside [] metacharacters. It is similar to using single character alternations inside a grouping, but with added flexibility and features. Character classes have their own versions of metacharacters and provide special predefined sets for common use cases. Quantifiers are also applicable to character classes.

# same as: awk '/cot|cut/' and awk '/c(o|u)t/'
$ printf 'cute\ncat\ncot\ncoat\ncost\nscuttle\n' | awk '/c[ou]t/'

# same as: awk '/.(a|e|o)t/'
$ printf 'meeting\ncute\nboat\nat\nfoot\n' | awk '/.[aeo]t/'

# same as: awk '{gsub(/\<(s|o|t)(o|n)\>/, "X")} 1'
$ echo 'no so in to do on' | awk '{gsub(/\<[sot][on]\>/, "X")} 1'
no X in X do X

# lines made up of letters 'o' and 'n', line length at least 2
# words.txt contains dictionary words, one word per line
$ awk '/^[on]{2,}$/' words.txt

Character class metacharacters

Character classes have their own metacharacters to help define the sets succinctly. Metacharacters outside of character classes like ^, $, () etc either don't have special meaning or have a completely different one inside the character classes.

First up, the - metacharacter that helps to define a range of characters instead of having to specify them all individually.

# same as: awk '{gsub(/[0123456789]+/, "-")} 1'
$ echo 'Sample123string42with777numbers' | awk '{gsub(/[0-9]+/, "-")} 1'

# whole words made up of lowercase alphabets and digits only
$ echo 'coat Bin food tar12 best' | awk '{gsub(/\<[a-z0-9]+\>/, "X")} 1'
X Bin X X X

# whole words made up of lowercase alphabets, starting with 'p' to 'z'
$ echo 'road i post grip read eat pit' | awk '{gsub(/\<[p-z][a-z]*\>/, "X")} 1'
X i X grip X eat X

Character classes can also be used to construct numeric ranges. However, it is easy to miss corner cases and some ranges are complicated to design.

# numbers between 10 to 29
$ echo '23 154 12 26 34' | awk '{gsub(/\<[12][0-9]\>/, "X")} 1'
X 154 X X 34

# numbers >= 100 with optional leading zeros
$ echo '0501 035 154 12 26 98234' | awk '{gsub(/\<0*[1-9][0-9]{2,}\>/, "X")} 1'
X 035 X 12 26 X

Next metacharacter is ^ which has to be specified as the first character of the character class. It negates the set of characters, so all characters other than those specified will be matched. As highlighted earlier, handle negative logic with care, you might end up matching more than you wanted.

# replace all non-digit characters
$ echo 'Sample123string42with777numbers' | awk '{gsub(/[^0-9]+/, "-")} 1'

# delete the last two columns
$ echo 'apple:123:banana:cherry' | awk '{sub(/(:[^:]+){2}$/, "")} 1'

# sequence of characters surrounded by a unique character
$ echo 'I like "mango" and "guava"' | awk '{gsub(/"[^"]+"/, "X")} 1'
I like X and X

# sometimes it is simpler to positively define a set than negation
# same as: awk '/^[^aeiou]*$/'
$ printf 'tryst\nfun\nglyph\npity\nwhy\n' | awk '!/[aeiou]/'

Some commonly used character sets have predefined escape sequences:

  • \w matches all word characters [a-zA-Z0-9_] (recall the description for word boundaries)
  • \W matches all non-word characters (recall duality seen earlier, like \y and \B)
  • \s matches all whitespace characters: tab, newline, vertical tab, form feed, carriage return and space
  • \S matches all non-whitespace characters

These escape sequences cannot be used inside character classes. Also, as mentioned earlier, these definitions assume ASCII input.

# match all non-word characters
$ printf '%s\n' 'load;err_msg--\/ant,r2..not' | awk '{gsub(/\W+/, "|")} 1'

# replace all sequences of whitespaces with a single space
$ printf 'hi  \v\f  there.\thave   \ra nice\t\tday\n' | awk '{gsub(/\s+/, " ")} 1'
hi there. have a nice day

# \w would simply match w inside character classes
$ printf '%s\n' 'w=y\x+9*3' | awk '{gsub(/[\w=]/, "")} 1'

warning awk doesn't support \d and \D, commonly featured in other implementations as a shortcut for all the digits and non-digits.

# \d will match just the 'd' character and produces a warning as well
$ printf '%s\n' '42\d123' | awk '{gsub(/\d+/, "-")} 1'
awk: cmd. line:1: warning: regexp escape sequence
                  '\d' is not a known regexp operator

# \d here matches all digit characters
$ printf '%s\n' '42\d123' | perl -pe 's/\d+/-/g'

Named character sets

A named character set is defined by a name enclosed between [: and :] and has to be used within a character class [], along with other characters as needed.

Named setDescription
[:cntrl:]control characters — first 32 ASCII characters and 127th (DEL)
[:punct:]all the punctuation characters
[:graph:][:alnum:] and [:punct:]
[:print:][:alnum:], [:punct:] and space
[:blank:]space and tab characters
[:space:]whitespace characters, same as \s

Here are some examples:

$ s='err_msg xerox ant m_2 P2 load1 eel'
$ echo "$s" | awk '{gsub(/\<[[:lower:]]+\>/, "X")} 1'
err_msg X X m_2 P2 load1 X

$ echo "$s" | awk '{gsub(/\<[[:lower:]_]+\>/, "X")} 1'
X X X m_2 P2 load1 X

$ echo "$s" | awk '{gsub(/\<[[:alnum:]]+\>/, "X")} 1'
err_msg X X m_2 X X X

# retain only punctuation characters
$ echo ',pie tie#ink-eat_42' | awk '{gsub(/[^[:punct:]]+/, "")} 1'

Matching character class metacharacters literally

Specific placement is needed to match character class metacharacters literally. Or, they can be escaped by prefixing \ to avoid having to remember the different rules. As \ is special inside character class, use \\ to represent it literally.

- should be the first or last character.

$ echo 'ab-cd gh-c 12-423' | awk '{gsub(/[a-z-]{2,}/, "X")} 1'
X X 12-423

# or escaped with \
$ echo 'ab-cd gh-c 12-423' | awk '{gsub(/[a-z\-0-9]{2,}/, "X")} 1'

] should be the first character.

# no match
$ printf 'int a[5]\nfig\n1+1=2\n' | awk '/[=]]/'

# correct usage
$ printf 'int a[5]\nfig\n1+1=2\n' | awk '/[]=]/'
int a[5]

[ can be used anywhere in the character set. Using [][] will match both [ and ].

$ echo 'int a[5].y' | awk '{gsub(/[x[y.]/, "")} 1'
int a5]

$ printf 'int a[5]\nfig\n1+1=2\nwho]' | awk '/[][]/'
int a[5]

^ should be other than the first character.

$ echo 'f*(a^b) - 3*(a+b)/(a-b)' | awk '{gsub(/a[+^]b/, "c")} 1'
f*(c) - 3*(c)/(a-b)

warning Combinations like [. or [: cannot be used together to mean two individual characters, as they have special meaning within []. See gawk manual: Using Bracket Expressions for more details.

$ echo 'int a[5]' | awk '/[x[.y]/'
awk: cmd. line:1: error: Unmatched [, [^, [:, [., or [=: /[x[.y]/
$ echo 'int a[5]' | awk '/[x[y.]/'
int a[5]

Escape sequences

Certain ASCII characters like tab \t, carriage return \r, newline \n, etc have escape sequences to represent them. Additionally, any character can be represented using their ASCII value in octal \NNN or hexadecimal \xNN formats. Unlike character set escape sequences like \w, these can be used inside character classes.

# \t represents the tab character
$ printf 'apple\tbanana\tcherry\n' | awk '{gsub(/\t/, " ")} 1'
apple banana cherry

# these escape sequences work inside character class too
$ printf 'a\t\r\fb\vc\n' | awk '{gsub(/[\t\v\f\r]+/, ":")} 1'

# representing single quotes
# use \047 for octal format
$ echo "universe: '42'" | awk '{gsub(/\x27/, "")} 1'
universe: 42

If a metacharacter is specified using the ASCII value format, it will still act as the metacharacter.

# \x5e is ^ character, acts as line anchor here
$ printf 'acorn\ncot\ncat\ncoat\n' | awk '/\x5eco/'

# & metacharacter in replacement will be discussed in a later section
# it represents the entire matched portion
$ echo 'hello world' | awk '{sub(/.*/, "[&]")} 1'
[hello world]
# \x26 in hexadecimal is the & character
$ echo 'hello world' | awk '{sub(/.*/, "[\x26]")} 1'
[hello world]

Undefined sequences will result in a warning and treated as the character it escapes.

$ echo 'read' | awk '{sub(/\d/, "l")} 1'
awk: cmd. line:1: warning: regexp escape sequence
                  '\d' is not a known regexp operator

Support for Unicode characters requiring up to 8 hexadecimal digits with \u was added recently.

$ awk 'BEGIN{print "\u3b1\u3bb\u3b5\u3c0\u3bf\u3cd"}'

# there's no way to separate the hexadecimal digits from characters
# that follow, so you'll have to separate them manually
$ awk 'BEGIN{print "cag\u308" "ed"}'

info See gawk manual: Escape Sequences for full list and other details. See also, a site dedicated for Unicode characters.

Replace a specific occurrence

The third substitution function is gensub which can be used instead of both the sub and gsub functions. Syntax wise, gensub needs minimum three arguments. The third argument is used to indicate whether you want to replace all occurrences with "g" or a specific occurrence by passing a number. Another difference is that gensub returns a string value (irrespective of the substitution operation succeeding) instead of modifying the input.

$ s='apple:banana:cherry:fig:mango'

# same as: sed 's/:/-/2'
# replace only the second occurrence of ':' with '-'
# note that the output of gensub is passed to print here
$ echo "$s" | awk '{print gensub(/:/, "-", 2)}'

# same as: sed -E 's/[^:]+/X/3'
# replace only the third field with '123'
$ echo "$s" | awk '{print gensub(/[^:]+/, "123", 3)}'

The fourth argument for the gensub function allows you to specify a string or a variable on which the substitution has to be performed. Default is $0, as seen in the previous examples.

# same as: awk '{gsub(/[aeiou]/, "X", $4)} 1'
$ echo '1 good 2 apples' | awk '{$4 = gensub(/[aeiou]/, "X", "g", $4)} 1'
1 good 2 XpplXs


The grouping metacharacters () are also known as capture groups. Similar to variables in programming languages, the portion captured by () can be referred later using backreferences. The syntax is \N where N is the capture group you want. Leftmost ( in the regular expression is \1, next one is \2 and so on up to \9. The & metacharacter represents entire matched string. As \ is already special inside double quotes, you'll have to use "\\1" to represent \1.

info Backreferences of the form \N can only be used with the gensub function. & can be used with the sub, gsub and gensub functions. \0 can also be used instead of & with the gensub function.

# replace \\ with \
# replace \ with an empty string
$ s='\[\] and \\w and \[a-zA-Z0-9\_\]'
$ echo "$s" | awk '{print gensub(/(\\?)\\/, "\\1", "g")}'
[] and \w and [a-zA-Z0-9_]

# duplicate the first column value and add it as the final column
$ echo 'one,2,3.14,42' | awk '{print gensub(/^([^,]+).*/, "&,\\1", 1)}'

# add something at the start and end of string, gensub isn't needed here
$ echo 'hello world' | awk '{sub(/.*/, "Hi. &. Have a nice day")} 1'
Hi. hello world. Have a nice day

# here {N} refers to the last but Nth occurrence
$ s='car,art,pot,tap,urn,ray,ear'
$ echo "$s" | awk '{print gensub(/(.*),((.*,){2})/, "\\1[]\\2", 1)}'

warning See unix.stackexchange: Why doesn't this sed command replace the 3rd-to-last "and"? for a bug related to the use of word anchors in the ((pat){N}) generic case.

warning Unlike other regular expression implementations, like grep or sed or perl, backreferences cannot be used in the search section in awk. See also unix.stackexchange: backreference in awk.

$ s='effort flee facade oddball rat tool'

# no change
$ echo "$s" | awk '{print gensub(/\w*(\w)\1\w*/, "X", "g")}'
effort flee facade oddball rat tool
# whole words that have at least one consecutive repeated character
$ echo "$s" | sed -E 's/\w*(\w)\1\w*/X/g'
X X facade X rat X

If a quantifier is applied on a pattern grouped inside () metacharacters, you'll need an outer () group to capture the matching portion. Other flavors like Perl provide non-capturing groups to handle such cases. In awk you'll have to consider the extra capture groups.

# note the numbers used in the replacement section
$ s='one,2,3.14,42'
$ echo "$s" | awk '{$0=gensub(/^(([^,]+,){2})([^,]+)/, "[\\1](\\3)", 1)} 1'

Here's an example where alternation order matters when the matching portions have the same length. Aim is to delete all whole words unless it starts with g or p and contains y.

$ s='tryst,fun,glyph,pity,why,group'

# all words get deleted because \<\w+\> gets priority here
$ echo "$s" | awk '{print gensub(/\<\w+\>|(\<[gp]\w*y\w*\>)/, "\\1", "g")}'

# capture group gets priority here, so words in the capture group are retained
$ echo "$s" | awk '{print gensub(/(\<[gp]\w*y\w*\>)|\<\w+\>/, "\\1", "g")}'

As \ and & are special characters in the replacement section, you'll need to escape them for literal representation.

$ echo 'apple and fig' | awk '{sub(/and/, "[&]")} 1'
apple [and] fig
$ echo 'apple and fig' | awk '{sub(/and/, "[\\&]")} 1'
apple [&] fig

$ echo 'apple and fig' | awk '{sub(/and/, "\\")} 1'
apple \ fig

Case insensitive matching

Unlike sed or perl, regular expressions in awk do not directly support the use of flags to change certain behaviors. For example, there is no flag to force the regexp to ignore case while matching.

The IGNORECASE special variable controls case sensitivity, which is 0 by default. By changing it to some other value (which would mean true in a conditional expression), you can match case insensitively. The -v command line option allows you to assign a variable before input is read. The BEGIN block is also often used to change such settings.

$ printf 'Cat\ncOnCaT\nscatter\ncot\n' | awk -v IGNORECASE=1 '/cat/'

# for small enough string, you can also use character classes
$ printf 'Cat\ncOnCaT\nscatter\ncot\n' | awk '{gsub(/[cC][aA][tT]/, "(&)")} 1'

Another way is to use built-in string function tolower to change the input to lowercase first.

$ printf 'Cat\ncOnCaT\nscatter\ncot\n' | awk 'tolower($0) ~ /cat/'

Dynamic regexp

As seen earlier, string literals can be used instead of a regexp to specify the pattern to be matched. Which implies that you can use any expression or a variable as well. This is helpful if you need to compute the regexp based on some conditions or if you are getting the pattern externally, such as user input passed via the -v option from a shell variable.

$ r='cat.*dog|dog.*cat'
$ echo 'two cats and a dog' | awk -v ip="$r" '{gsub(ip, "pets")} 1'
two pets

$ awk -v s='ow' '$0 ~ s' table.txt
brown bread mat hair 42
yellow banana window shoes 3.14

# you'll have to make sure to use \\ instead of \
$ r='\\<[12][0-9]\\>'
$ echo '23 154 12 26 34' | awk -v ip="$r" '{gsub(ip, "X")} 1'
X 154 X X 34

info See Using shell variables chapter for a way to avoid having to escape backslashes.

Sometimes, user input has to be treated literally instead of as a regexp pattern. In such cases, you'll need to escape all the regexp metacharacters. Below example shows how to do it for the search section. For the replace section, you only have to escape the \ and & characters.

$ awk -v s='(a.b)^{c}|d' 'BEGIN{gsub(/[{[(^$*?+.|\\]/, "\\\\&", s); print s}'

$ echo 'f*(a^b) - 3*(a^b)' |
     awk -v s='(a^b)' '{gsub(/[{[(^$*?+.|\\]/, "\\\\&", s); gsub(s, "c")} 1'
f*c - 3*c

# match the input string literally, but only at the end of string
$ echo 'f*(a^b) - 3*(a^b)' |
     awk -v s='(a^b)' '{gsub(/[{[(^$*?+.|\\]/, "\\\\&", s); gsub(s "$", "c")} 1'
f*(a^b) - 3*c

info See my blog post for more details about escaping metacharacters.

info If you need to just match literally instead of substitution, you can use the index function. See the index section for details.


Regular expressions is a feature that you'll encounter in multiple command line programs and programming languages. It is a versatile tool for text processing. Although the features in awk are less compared to those found in programming languages, they are sufficient for most of the tasks you'll need for command line usage. It takes a lot of time to get used to syntax and features of regular expressions, so I'll encourage you to practice a lot and maintain notes. It'd also help to consider it as a mini-programming language in itself for its flexibility and complexity.


info The exercises directory has all the files used in this section.

1) For the input file patterns.txt, display all lines that start with den or end with ly.

$ awk ##### add your solution here
2 lonely

2) For the input file patterns.txt, replace all occurrences of 42 with [42] unless it is at the edge of a word. Display only the modified lines.

$ awk ##### add your solution here
Hi[42]Bye nice1[42]3 bad42
eqn2 = pressure*3+42/5-1[42]56
cool_[42]a 42fake

3) For the input file patterns.txt, add [] around words starting with s and containing e and t in any order. Display only the modified lines.

$ awk ##### add your solution here
[sets] tests Sauerkraut
[site] cite kite bite [store_2]
[subtle] sequoia
a [set]

4) For the input file patterns.txt, replace the space character that occurs after a word ending with a or r with a newline character, only if the line also contains an uppercase letter. Display only the modified lines. For example, A car park should get converted to A car and park separated by a newline. But car far tar shouldn't be matched as there's no uppercase letter in this line.

$ awk ##### add your solution here
Not a
pip DOWN

5) For the input file patterns.txt, replace all occurrences of *[5] with 2. Display only the modified lines.

$ awk ##### add your solution here

6) awk '/\<[a-z](on|no)[a-z]\>/' is same as awk '/\<[a-z][on]{2}[a-z]\>/'. True or False? Sample input shown below might help to understand the differences, if any.

$ printf 'known\nmood\nknow\npony\ninns\n'

7) For the input file patterns.txt, display all lines starting with hand and ending immediately with s or y or le or no further characters. For example, handed shouldn't be matched even though it starts with hand.

$ awk ##### add your solution here

8) For the input file patterns.txt, replace 42//5 or 42/5 with 8. Display only the modified lines.

$ awk ##### add your solution here
eqn3 = r*42-5/3+42///5-83+a
eqn1 = a+8-c
eqn2 = pressure*3+8-14256

9) For the given quantifiers, what would be the equivalent form using the {m,n} representation?

  • ? is same as
  • * is same as
  • + is same as

10) (a*|b*) is same as (a|b)* — True or False?

11) For the input file patterns.txt, construct two different regexps to get the outputs as shown below. Display only the modified lines.

# delete from '(' till the next ')'
$ awk ##### add your solution here
a/b + c%d
def factorial
12- *4)
Hi there. Nice day

# delete from '(' till the next ')' but not if there is '(' in between
$ awk ##### add your solution here
a/b + c%d
def factorial
12- (e+*4)
Hi there. Nice day(a

12) For the input file anchors.txt, convert markdown anchors to corresponding hyperlinks as shown below.

$ cat anchors.txt
# <a name="regular-expressions"></a>Regular Expressions
## <a name="subexpression-calls"></a>Subexpression calls
## <a name="the-dot-meta-character"></a>The dot meta character

$ awk ##### add your solution here
[Regular Expressions](#regular-expressions)
[Subexpression calls](#subexpression-calls)
[The dot meta character](#the-dot-meta-character)

13) Display lines from sample.txt that satisfy both of these conditions:

  • to or he matched irrespective of case
  • World or No matched case sensitively
$ awk ##### add your solution here
Hello World
No doubt you like it too

14) Given sample strings have fields separated by , and field values cannot be empty. Replace the third field with 42.

$ echo 'lion,ant,road,neon' | awk ##### add your solution here

$ echo '_;3%,.,=-=,:' | awk ##### add your solution here

15) For the input file patterns.txt, filter lines containing three or more occurrences of ar. For such lines, replace the third from last occurrence of ar with X.

$ awk ##### add your solution here
par car tX far Cart
pXt cart mart

16) Surround all whole words with (). Additionally, if the whole word is imp or ant, delete them.

$ words='tiger imp goat eagle ant important'
$ echo "$words" | awk ##### add your solution here
(tiger) () (goat) (eagle) () (important)

17) For the input file patterns.txt, display lines containing car but not as a whole word. For example, scared-cat and car care should match but not far car park.

$ awk ##### add your solution here
a huge discarded pile of books
part cart mart

18) Will the pattern ^a\w+([0-9]+:fig)? match the same characters for the input apple42:banana314 and apple42:fig100? If not, why not?

19) For the input file patterns.txt, display lines starting with 4 or - or u or sub or care.

$ awk ##### add your solution here
subtle sequoia

20) Replace sequences made up of words separated by : or . by the first word of the sequence. Such sequences will end when : or . is not followed by a word character.

$ ip='wow:Good:2_two.five: hi-2 bye kite.777:water.'
$ echo "$ip" | awk ##### add your solution here
wow hi-2 bye kite

21) Replace sequences made up of words separated by : or . by the last word of the sequence. Such sequences will end when : or . is not followed by a word character.

$ ip='wow:Good:2_two.five: hi-2 bye kite.777:water.'
$ echo "$ip" | awk ##### add your solution here
five hi-2 bye water

22) Replace all whole words with X unless it is preceded by a ( character.

$ s='guava (apple) berry) apple (mango) (grape'
$ echo "$s" | awk ##### add your solution here
X (apple) X) X (mango) (grape

23) Surround whole words with [] only if they are followed by : or , or -.

$ ip='Poke,'
$ echo "$ip" | awk ##### add your solution here

24) The fields.txt file has fields separated by the : character. Delete : and the last field if there is a digit character anywhere before the last field.

$ cat fields.txt

$ awk ##### add your solution here

25) Can you use a character other than / as the regexp delimiter? If not, are there ways to construct a regexp that do not require the / character to be escaped for literal matching?

26) For the input file patterns.txt, surround all hexadecimal sequences with a minimum of four characters with []. Match 0x as an optional prefix, but shouldn't be counted for determining the length. Match the characters case insensitively, and the sequences shouldn't be surrounded by other word characters. Display only the modified lines.

$ awk ##### add your solution here
"should not match [0XdeadBEEF]"
Hi42Bye nice1423 [bad42]
took 0xbad 22 [0x0ff1ce]
eqn2 = pressure*3+42/5-[14256]