CLI text processing with GNU sed book announcement


I am pleased to announce a new version of my CLI text processing with GNU sed ebook. Examples, exercises, solutions, descriptions and external links were added/updated/corrected.

This book will help you learn the GNU sed command step-by-step from beginner to advanced levels with hundreds of examples and exercises. In addition to command options, regular expressions will also be discussed in detail.

CLI text processing with GNU grep and ripgrep book announcement


I am pleased to announce a new version of my CLI text processing with GNU grep and ripgrep ebook. Examples, exercises, solutions, descriptions and external links were added/updated/corrected. The chapter on ripgrep was changed significantly to focus mostly on the differences compared to GNU grep.

This book will help you learn these commands step-by-step from beginner to advanced levels with hundreds of examples and exercises.

100+ Interactive Python Regex Exercises

Having an interactive program that automatically loads questions and checks the solution is wonderful to have while learning a topic. This TUI app has beginner to advanced level exercises for Python regular expressions. There are more than 100 exercises covering both the builtin re and third-party regex module.

Sample screenshot for Python regex exercises

Understanding Python re(gex)? book announcement


I just published a new version of "Understanding Python re(gex)?" ebook. I caught up to new features like possessive quantifiers, corrected many mistakes, improved examples, exercises and so on.

This book will help you learn Python Regular Expressions step-by-step from beginner to advanced levels with hundreds of examples and exercises. The standard library re and the third-party regex module are covered in this book.

Python Regex Surprises

In this post, you'll find a few regular expression examples that might surprise you. Some are Python specific and some are applicable to other regex flavors as well. To make it more interesting, these are framed as questions for you to ponder upon. Answers are hidden by default.

Python Regex Surprises

Poster created using Canva

info If you are not familiar with regular expressions, check out my Understanding Python re(gex)? ebook.

2022: year in perspective

TL;DR: Published two programming ebooks, wrote several blog posts, recorded plenty of Youtube videos, newsletter prospered, improved Twitter audience, read 100+ novels, and so on. Had an excellent year in terms of ebook sales 😇