You've already seen how to create custom character classes and various avatars of special groupings. In this chapter you'll learn more groupings, known as lookarounds, that help to create custom anchors and add conditions within RE definition. These assertions are also known as zero-width patterns because they add restrictions similar to anchors and are not part of the matched portions. Also, you will learn how to negate a grouping similar to negated character sets.
Conditional expressions
Before you get used to lookarounds too much, it is good to remember that Python is a programming language. You have control structures and you can combine multiple conditions using logical operators, functions like all()
, any()
, etc. Also, do not forget that re
is only one of the tools available for text processing.
>>> items = ['1,2,3,4', 'a,b,c,d', '#apple 123']
# filter elements containing digit and '#' characters
>>> [s for s in items if '#' in s and re.search(r'\d', s)]
['#apple 123']
# modify elements only if it doesn't start with '#'
>>> for s in items:
... if s[0] != '#':
... print(re.sub(r',.+,', ' ', s))
1 4
a d
Negative lookarounds
Lookaround assertions can be added in two ways — lookbehind and lookahead. Each of these can be a positive or a negative assertion. Syntax wise, lookbehind has an extra <
compared to the lookahead version. Negative lookarounds can be identified by the use of !
whereas =
is used for positive lookarounds. This section is about negative lookarounds, whose syntax is shown below:
negative lookahead assertion(?<!pat)
negative lookbehind assertion
As mentioned earlier, lookarounds are not part of the matched portions and do not affect capture group numbering.
# change 'cat' only if it is not followed by a digit character
# note that the end of string satisfies the given assertion
# 'catcat' has two matches as the assertion doesn't consume characters
>>> re.sub(r'cat(?!\d)', 'dog', 'hey cats! cat42 cat_5 catcat')
'hey dogs! cat42 dog_5 dogdog'
# change 'cat' only if it is not preceded by _
# note how 'cat' at the start of string is matched as well
>>> re.sub(r'(?<!_)cat', 'dog', 'cat _cat 42catcat')
'dog _cat 42dogdog'
# overlap example
# the final _ was replaced as well as played a part in the assertion
>>> re.sub(r'(?<!_)cat.', 'dog', 'cats _cater 42cat_cats')
'dog _cater 42dogcats'
Lookarounds can be mixed with already existing anchors and other features to define truly powerful restrictions:
# change whole word only if it is not preceded by : or -
>>> re.sub(r'(?<![:-])\b\w+\b', 'X', ':cart <apple: -rest ;tea')
':cart <X: -rest ;X'
# add space to word boundaries, but not at the start or end of string
# similar to: re.sub(r'\b', ' ', 'output=num1+35*42/num2').strip()
>>> re.sub(r'(?<!\A)\b(?!\Z)', ' ', 'output=num1+35*42/num2')
'output = num1 + 35 * 42 / num2'
In all the examples so far, lookahead grouping was placed as a suffix and lookbehind as a prefix. This is how they are used most of the time, but not the only way to use them. Lookarounds can be placed anywhere and multiple lookarounds can be combined in any order. They do not consume characters nor do they play a role in matched portions. They just let you know whether the condition you want to test is satisfied from the current location in the input string.
# these two are equivalent
# replace a character as long as it is not preceded by 'p' or 'r'
>>> re.sub(r'(?<![pr]).', '*', 'spare')
>>> re.sub(r'.(?<![pr].)', '*', 'spare')
# replace 'par' as long as 's' is not present later in the input
# this assumes that the lookaround doesn't conflict with search pattern
# i.e. 's' will not conflict 'par' but would affect if it was 'r' and 'par'
>>> re.sub(r'par(?!.*s)', r'[\g<0>]', 'par spare part party')
'par s[par]e [par]t [par]ty'
>>> re.sub(r'(?!.*s)par', r'[\g<0>]', 'par spare part party')
'par s[par]e [par]t [par]ty'
# since the three assertions used here are all zero-width,
# all of the 6 possible combinations will be equivalent
>>> re.sub(r'(?!\Z)\b(?<!\A)', ' ', 'output=num1+35*42/num2')
'output = num1 + 35 * 42 / num2'
Positive lookarounds
Unlike negative lookarounds, absence of something will not satisfy positive lookarounds. Instead, for the condition to satisfy, the pattern has to match actual characters and/or zero-width assertions. Positive lookarounds can be identified by use of =
in the grouping. Syntax is shown below:
positive lookahead assertion(?<=pat)
positive lookbehind assertion
# extract digits only if it is followed by ,
# note that the end of string doesn't qualify as this is a positive assertion
>>> re.findall(r'\d+(?=,)', '42 apple-5, fig3; x-83, y-20: f12')
['5', '83']
# extract digits only if it is preceded by - and followed by ; or :
>>> re.findall(r'(?<=-)\d+(?=[:;])', '42 apple-5, fig3; x-83, y-20: f12')
# replace 'par' as long as 'part' occurs as a whole word later in the line
>>> re.sub(r'par(?=.*\bpart\b)', r'[\g<0>]', 'par spare part party')
'[par] s[par]e part party'
Lookarounds can be quite handy for simple field based processing.
# except the first and last fields
>>> re.findall(r'(?<=,)[^,]+(?=,)', '1,two,3,four,5')
['two', '3', 'four']
# replace empty fields with NA
# note that in this case, order of lookbehind and lookahead doesn't matter
>>> re.sub(r'(?<![^,])(?![^,])', 'NA', ',1,,,two,3,,,')
Capture groups inside positive lookarounds
Even though lookarounds are not part of the matched portions, capture groups can be used inside positive lookarounds. Can you reason out why it won't work for negative lookarounds?
>>> print(re.sub(r'(\S+\s+)(?=(\S+)\s)', r'\1\2\n', 'a b c d e'))
a b
b c
c d
d e
# and of course, use non-capturing group where needed
>>> re.findall(r'(?<=(po|ca)re)\d+', 'pore42 car3 pare7 care5')
['po', 'ca']
>>> re.findall(r'(?<=(?:po|ca)re)\d+', 'pore42 car3 pare7 care5')
['42', '5']
Conditional AND with lookarounds
As promised earlier, here are some examples that show how lookarounds make it simpler to construct AND conditionals.
>>> words = ['sequoia', 'subtle', 'questionable', 'exhibit', 'equation']
# words containing 'b' and 'e' and 't' in any order
# same as: r'b.*e.*t|b.*t.*e|e.*b.*t|e.*t.*b|t.*b.*e|t.*e.*b'
>>> [w for w in words if re.search(r'(?=.*b)(?=.*e).*t', w)]
['subtle', 'questionable', 'exhibit']
# words containing all lowercase vowels in any order
>>> [w for w in words if re.search(r'(?=.*a)(?=.*e)(?=.*i)(?=.*o).*u', w)]
['sequoia', 'questionable', 'equation']
# words containing ('ab' or 'at') and 'q' but not 'n' at the end of the element
>>> [w for w in words if re.search(r'(?!.*n\Z)(?=.*a[bt]).*q', w)]
Variable length lookbehind
With lookbehind assertion (both positive and negative), the pattern used for the assertion cannot imply matching variable length of text. Fixed length quantifier is allowed. Different length alternations are not allowed, even if the individual alternations are of fixed length. Here are some examples to clarify these points.
>>> s = 'pore42 tar3 dare7 care5'
# allowed
>>> re.findall(r'(?<=(?:po|da)re)\d+', s)
['42', '7']
>>> re.findall(r'(?<=\b[a-z]{4})\d+', s)
['42', '7', '5']
# not allowed
>>> re.findall(r'(?<!tar|dare)\d+', s)
re.PatternError: look-behind requires fixed-width pattern
>>> re.findall(r'(?<=\b[pd][a-z]*)\d+', s)
re.PatternError: look-behind requires fixed-width pattern
>>> re.sub(r'(?<=\A|,)(?=,|\Z)', 'NA', ',1,,,two,3,,,')
re.PatternError: look-behind requires fixed-width pattern
There are various workarounds possible depending upon the use case. See the Variable length lookbehind section for regex
module for the easiest solution.
First up, when the lookbehind alternatives are of fixed length. In such cases, you can manually expand the alternatives into individual lookbehinds. For negatives, place them next to each other. For positives, separate them with alternation inside another grouping.
>>> s = 'pore42 tar3 dare7 care5'
# workaround for r'(?<!tar|dare)\d+'
>>> re.findall(r'(?<!tar)(?<!dare)\d+', s)
['42', '5']
# workaround for r'(?<=tar|dare)\d+'
>>> re.findall(r'(?:(?<=tar)|(?<=dare))\d+', s)
['3', '7']
# workaround for r'(?<=\A|,)(?=,|\Z)'
>>> re.sub(r'((?<=\A)|(?<=,))(?=,|\Z)', 'NA', ',1,,,two,3,,,')
For some of the positive lookbehind cases, you can skip lookbehind entirely and workaround with normal groupings. This works even when you don't know the length of patterns.
>>> s = 'pore42 tar3 dare7 care5'
# same as: re.findall(r'(?:(?<=tar)|(?<=dare))\d+', s)
>>> re.findall(r'(?:tar|dare)(\d+)', s)
['3', '7']
# delete digits only if they are preceded by 'tar' or 'dare'
>>> re.sub(r'(tar|dare)\d+', r'\1', s)
'pore42 tar dare care5'
# workaround for r'(?<=\b[pd][a-z]*)\d+'
# get digits only if they are preceded by a word starting with 'p' or 'd'
>>> re.findall(r'\b[pd][a-z]*(\d+)', s)
['42', '7']
# delete digits only if they are preceded by a word starting with 'p' or 'd'
>>> re.sub(r'(\b[pd][a-z]*)\d+', r'\1', s)
'pore tar3 dare care5'
However, if you don't know the lengths for negative lookbehind, you cannot use the above workarounds. The next section will show how to negate a grouping, and that also helps for some of the variable negative lookbehind cases.
Negated groups
Some of the variable length negative lookbehind cases can be simulated by using a negative lookahead (which doesn't have restriction on variable length). The trick is to assert negative lookahead one character at a time and applying quantifiers on such a grouping to satisfy the variable requirement. This will only work if you have well defined conditions before the negated group.
# note the use of \A anchor to force matching all the characters up to 'dog'
>>> bool(re.search(r'\A((?!cat).)*dog', 'fox,cat,dog,parrot'))
>>> bool(re.search(r'\A((?!parrot).)*dog', 'fox,cat,dog,parrot'))
# without the anchor, you'll get false matches
>>> bool(re.search(r'((?!cat).)*dog', 'fox,cat,dog,parrot'))
# easier to understand by checking the matched portion
>>> re.search(r'\A((?!cat).)*', 'fox,cat,dog,parrot')[0]
>>> re.search(r'\A((?!parrot).)*', 'fox,cat,dog,parrot')[0]
>>> re.search(r'\A(?:(?!(.)\1).)*', 'fox,cat,dog,parrot')[0]
Here are some examples of matching two patterns with a negated group between them.
# match if 'do' is not there between 'at' and 'par'
>>> bool(re.search(r'at((?!do).)*par', 'fox,cat,dog,parrot'))
# match if 'go' is not there between 'at' and 'par'
>>> bool(re.search(r'at((?!go).)*par', 'fox,cat,dog,parrot'))
>>> re.search(r'at((?!go).)*par', 'fox,cat,dog,parrot')[0]
# use non-capturing group if required
>>> words = 'apple banana 12_bananas cherry fig mango cake42'
>>> re.findall(r'\b[a-z](?:(?!pp|rr)[a-z])*\b', words)
['banana', 'fig', 'mango']
Cheatsheet and Summary
Note | Description |
lookarounds | custom assertions, zero-width like anchors |
(?!pat) | negative lookahead assertion |
(?<!pat) | negative lookbehind assertion |
(?=pat) | positive lookahead assertion |
(?<=pat) | positive lookbehind assertion |
(?!pat1)(?=pat2) | multiple assertions can be specified next to each other in any order |
as they mark a matching location without consuming characters | |
((?!pat).)* | Negate a grouping, similar to negated character class |
In this chapter, you learnt how to use lookarounds to create custom restrictions and also how to use negated grouping. With this, most of the powerful features of regular expressions have been covered. The special groupings seem never ending though, there are some more of them in the coming chapters!
Please use lookarounds for solving the following exercises even if you can do it without lookarounds. Unless you cannot use lookarounds for cases like variable length lookbehinds.
1) Replace all whole words with X
unless it is preceded by a (
>>> ip = '(apple) guava berry) apple (mango) (grape'
##### add your solution here
'(apple) X X) X (mango) (grape'
2) Replace all whole words with X
unless it is followed by a )
>>> ip = '(apple) guava berry) apple (mango) (grape'
##### add your solution here
'(apple) X berry) X (mango) (X'
3) Replace all whole words with X
unless it is preceded by (
or followed by )
>>> ip = '(apple) guava berry) apple (mango) (grape'
##### add your solution here
'(apple) X berry) X (mango) (grape'
4) Extract all whole words that do not end with e
or n
>>> ip = 'a_t row on Urn e note Dust n end a2-e|u'
##### add your solution here
['a_t', 'row', 'Dust', 'end', 'a2', 'u']
5) Extract all whole words that do not start with a
or d
or n
>>> ip = 'a_t row on Urn e note Dust n end a2-e|u'
##### add your solution here
['row', 'on', 'Urn', 'e', 'Dust', 'end', 'e', 'u']
6) Extract all whole words only if they are followed by :
or ,
or -
>>> ip = 'Poke,on=-=so_good:ink.to/is(vast)ever2-sit'
##### add your solution here
['Poke', 'so_good', 'ever2']
7) Extract all whole words only if they are preceded by =
or /
or -
>>> ip = 'Poke,on=-=so_good:ink.to/is(vast)ever2-sit'
##### add your solution here
['so_good', 'is', 'sit']
8) Extract all whole words only if they are preceded by =
or :
and followed by :
or .
>>> ip = 'Poke,on=-=so_good:ink.to/is(vast)ever2-sit'
##### add your solution here
['so_good', 'ink']
9) Extract all whole words only if they are preceded by =
or :
or .
or (
or -
and not followed by .
or /
>>> ip = 'Poke,on=-=so_good:ink.to/is(vast)ever2-sit'
##### add your solution here
['so_good', 'vast', 'sit']
10) Remove the leading and trailing whitespaces from all the individual fields where ,
is the field separator.
>>> csv1 = ' comma ,separated ,values \t\r '
>>> csv2 = 'good bad,nice ice , 42 , , stall small'
>>> remove_whitespace = re.compile() ##### add your solution here
>>> remove_whitespace.sub('', csv1)
>>> remove_whitespace.sub('', csv2)
'good bad,nice ice,42,,stall small'
11) Filter all elements that satisfy all of these rules:
- should have at least two alphabets
- should have at least three digits
- should have at least one special character among
- should not end with a whitespace character
>>> pwds = ['hunter2', 'F2H3u%9', '*X3Yz3.14\t', 'r2_d2_42', 'A $B C1234']
##### add your solution here
['F2H3u%9', 'A $B C1234']
12) For the given string, surround all whole words with {}
except for whole words par
and cat
and apple
>>> ip = 'part; cat {super} rest_42 par scatter apple spar'
##### add your solution here
'{part}; cat {{super}} {rest_42} par {scatter} apple {spar}'
13) Extract integer portion of floating-point numbers for the given string. Integers and numbers ending with .
and no further digits should not be considered.
>>> ip = '12 ab32.4 go 5 2. 46.42 5'
##### add your solution here
['32', '46']
14) For the given input strings, extract all overlapping two character sequences.
>>> s1 = 'apple'
>>> s2 = '1.2-3:4'
>>> pat = re.compile() ##### add your solution here
##### add your solution here for s1
['ap', 'pp', 'pl', 'le']
##### add your solution here for s2
['1.', '.2', '2-', '-3', '3:', ':4']
15) The given input strings contain fields separated by the :
character. Delete :
and the last field if there is a digit character anywhere before the last field.
>>> s1 = '42:cat'
>>> s2 = 'twelve:a2b'
>>> s3 = 'we:be:he:0:a:b:bother'
>>> s4 = 'apple:banana-42:cherry:'
>>> s5 = 'dragon:unicorn:centaur'
>>> pat = re.compile() ##### add your solution here
>>> pat.sub() ##### add your solution here for s1
>>> pat.sub() ##### add your solution here for s2
>>> pat.sub() ##### add your solution here for s3
>>> pat.sub() ##### add your solution here for s4
>>> pat.sub() ##### add your solution here for s5
16) Extract all whole words unless they are preceded by :
or <=>
or ----
or #
>>> ip = '::very--at<=>row|in.a_b#b2c=>lion----east'
##### add your solution here
['at', 'in', 'a_b', 'lion']
17) Match strings if it contains qty
followed by price
but not if there is any whitespace character or the string error
between them.
>>> str1 = '23,qty,price,42'
>>> str2 = 'qty price,oh'
>>> str3 = '3.14,qty,6,errors,9,price,3'
>>> str4 = '42\nqty-6,apple-56,price-234,error'
>>> str5 = '4,price,3.14,qty,4'
>>> str6 = '(qtyprice) (hi-there)'
>>> neg = re.compile() ##### add your solution here
>>> bool(neg.search(str1))
>>> bool(neg.search(str2))
>>> bool(neg.search(str3))
>>> bool(neg.search(str4))
>>> bool(neg.search(str5))
>>> bool(neg.search(str6))
18) Can you reason out why the following regular expressions behave differently?
>>> ip = 'I have 12, he has 2!'
>>> re.sub(r'\b..\b', r'{\g<0>}', ip)
'{I }have {12}{, }{he} has{ 2}!'
>>> re.sub(r'(?<!\w)..(?!\w)', r'{\g<0>}', ip)
'I have {12}, {he} has {2!}'
19) The given input string has comma separated fields and some of them can occur more than once. For the duplicated fields, retain only the rightmost one. Assume that there are no empty fields.
>>> row = '421,cat,2425,42,5,cat,6,6,42,61,6,6,scat,6,6,4,Cat,425,4'
##### add your solution here