Python regular expression cheatsheet and examples
Above visualization created using debuggex for the pattern r'\bpar(en|ro)?t\b'
From docs.python: re:
A regular expression (or RE) specifies a set of strings that matches it; the functions in this module let you check if a particular string matches a given regular expression
This blog post gives an overview and examples of regular expression syntax as implemented by the re
built-in module (Python 3.13+). Assume ASCII character set unless otherwise specified. This post is an excerpt from my Understanding Python re(gex)? book.
Elements that define a regular expression🔗
Anchors | Description |
\A | restricts the match to the start of string |
\Z | restricts the match to the end of string |
^ | restricts the match to the start of line |
$ | restricts the match to the end of line |
\n | newline character is used as the line separator |
re.MULTILINE or re.M | flag to treat input as multiline string |
\b | restricts the match to the start/end of words |
word characters: alphabets, digits, underscore | |
\B | matches wherever \b doesn't match |
, $
and \
are metacharacters in the above table, as these characters have special meaning. Prefix a \
character to remove the special meaning and match such characters literally. For example, \^
will match a ^
character instead of acting as an anchor.
Feature | Description |
| | multiple RE combined as conditional OR |
each alternative can have independent anchors | |
(pat) | group pattern(s), also a capturing group |
a(b|c)d is same as abd|acd | |
(?:pat) | non-capturing group |
(?P<name>pat) | named capture group |
. | Match any character except the newline character \n |
[] | Character class, matches one character among many |
Greedy Quantifiers | Description |
* | Match zero or more times |
+ | Match one or more times |
? | Match zero or one times |
{m,n} | Match m to n times (inclusive) |
{m,} | Match at least m times |
{,n} | Match up to n times (including 0 times) |
{n} | Match exactly n times |
pat1.*pat2 | any number of characters between pat1 and pat2 |
pat1.*pat2|pat2.*pat1 | match both pat1 and pat2 in any order |
Greedy here means that the above quantifiers will match as much as possible that'll also honor the overall RE. Appending a ?
to greedy quantifiers makes them non-greedy, i.e. match as minimally as possible. Appending a +
to greedy quantifiers makes them possessive, which prevents backtracking. You can also use (?>pat)
atomic grouping to safeguard from backtracking. Quantifiers can be applied to literal characters, groups, backreferences and character classes.
Character class | Description |
[aeiou] | Match any vowel |
[^aeiou] | ^ inverts selection, so this matches any consonant |
[a-f] | - defines a range, so this matches any of abcdef characters |
\d | Match a digit, same as [0-9] |
\D | Match non-digits, same as [^0-9] or [^\d] |
\w | Match word characters, same as [a-zA-Z0-9_] |
\W | Match non-word characters, same as [^a-zA-Z0-9_] or [^\w] |
\s | Match whitespace characters, same as [\ \t\n\r\f\v] |
\S | Match non-whitespace characters, same as [^\ \t\n\r\f\v] or [^\s] |
Lookarounds | Description |
lookarounds | custom assertions, zero-width like anchors |
(?!pat) | negative lookahead assertion |
(?<!pat) | negative lookbehind assertion |
(?=pat) | positive lookahead assertion |
(?<=pat) | positive lookbehind assertion |
(?!pat1)(?=pat2) | multiple assertions can be specified in any order |
as they mark a matching location without consuming characters | |
((?!pat).)* | Negate a grouping, similar to negated character class |
Flags | Description |
re.IGNORECASE or re.I | flag to ignore case |
re.DOTALL or re.S | allow . metacharacter to match newline characters |
flags=re.S|re.I | multiple flags can be combined using | operator |
re.MULTILINE or re.M | allow ^ and $ anchors to match line wise |
re.VERBOSE or re.X | allows to use literal whitespaces for aligning purposes |
and to add comments after the # character | |
escape spaces and # if needed as part of actual RE | |
re.ASCII or re.A | match only ASCII characters for \b , \w , \d , \s |
and their opposites, applicable only for Unicode patterns | |
re.LOCALE or re.L | use locale settings for byte patterns and 8-bit locales |
(?#comment) | another way to add comments (not a flag) |
(?flags:pat) | inline flags only for this pat , overrides flags argument |
flags is i for re.I , s for re.S , etc, except L for re.L | |
(?-flags:pat) | negate flags only for this pat |
(?flags-flags:pat) | apply and negate particular flags only for this pat |
(?flags) | apply flags for whole RE, can be used only at start of RE |
anchors if any, should be specified after (?flags) |
Matched portion | Description |
re.Match object | details like matched portions, location, etc |
m[0] or | entire matched portion of re.Match object m |
m[n] or | matched portion of the nth capture group |
m.groups() | tuple of all the capture groups' matched portions |
m.span() | start and end+1 index of the entire matched portion |
pass a number to get span of that particular capture group | |
can also use m.start() and m.end() | |
\N | backreference, gives matched portion of the Nth capture group |
applies to both search and replacement sections | |
possible values: \1 , \2 up to \99 provided no more digits | |
\g<N> | backreference, gives matched portion of the Nth capture group |
possible values: \g<0> , \g<1> , etc (not limited to 99) | |
\g<0> refers to the entire matched portion | |
(?P<name>pat) | named capture group |
refer as 'name' in re.Match object | |
refer as (?P=name) in search section | |
refer as \g<name> in replacement section | |
groupdict | method applied on a re.Match object |
gives named capture group portions as a dict |
onwards are considered as octal values, hence cannot be used as backreferences.
re module functions🔗
Function | Description |
---|---| | Check if given pattern is present anywhere in input string |
Output is a re.Match object, usable in conditional expressions | |
r-strings preferred to define RE | |
Use byte pattern for byte input | |
Python also maintains a small cache of recent RE | |
re.fullmatch | ensures pattern matches the entire input string |
re.compile | Compile a pattern for reuse, outputs re.Pattern object |
re.sub | search and replace |
re.sub(r'pat', f, s) | function f with re.Match object as the argument |
re.escape | automatically escape all metacharacters |
re.split | split a string based on RE |
text matched by the groups will be part of the output | |
portion matched by pattern outside group won't be in output | |
re.findall | returns all the matches as a list |
if 1 capture group is used, only its matches are returned | |
1+, each element will be tuple of capture groups | |
portion matched by pattern outside group won't be in output | |
re.finditer | iterator with re.Match object for each match |
re.subn | gives tuple of modified string and number of substitutions |
The function definitions are given below:, string, flags=0)
re.fullmatch(pattern, string, flags=0)
re.compile(pattern, flags=0)
re.sub(pattern, repl, string, count=0, flags=0)
re.split(pattern, string, maxsplit=0, flags=0)
re.findall(pattern, string, flags=0)
re.finditer(pattern, string, flags=0)
re.subn(pattern, repl, string, count=0, flags=0)
Regular expression examples🔗
As a good practice, always use raw strings to construct RE, unless other formats are required. This will avoid conflict between special meaning of the backslash character in RE and string literals.
I wrote an interactive TUI app to help you experiment with the examples presented below. See PyRegexPlayground repo for installation instructions and usage guide. See PyRegexExercises repo for a TUI app with 100+ Python regex exercises.
- examples for
>>> sentence = 'This is a sample string'
# need to load the re module before use
>>> import re
# check if 'sentence' contains the pattern described by RE argument
>>> bool('is', sentence))
# ignore case while searching for a match
>>> bool('this', sentence, flags=re.I))
# example for a pattern not found in the input string
>>> bool('xyz', sentence))
# output can be directly used in conditional expressions
>>> if'ring', sentence):
... print('mission success')
mission success
# use raw byte strings for patterns if input is of byte data type
>>> bool('is', b'This is a sample string'))
- string and line anchors
# match the start of the input string
>>> bool('\Ahi', 'hi hello\ntop spot'))
# match the start of a line
>>> bool('^top', 'hi hello\ntop spot', flags=re.M))
# match the end of strings
>>> words = ['surrender', 'up', 'newer', 'do', 'era', 'eel', 'pest']
>>> [w for w in words if'er\Z', w)]
['surrender', 'newer']
# check if there's a whole line 'par'
>>> bool('^par$', 'spare\npar\ndare', flags=re.M))
- examples for
# match 'par' with optional 's' at start and optional 'e' at end
>>> re.findall(r'\bs?pare?\b', 'par spar apparent spare part pare')
['par', 'spar', 'spare', 'pare']
# numbers >= 100 with optional leading zeros
# use r'\b0*[1-9]\d{2,}\b' if possessive quantifiers isn't supported
>>> re.findall(r'\b0*+\d{3,}\b', '0501 035 154 12 26 98234')
['0501', '154', '98234']
# if multiple capturing groups are used, each element of output
# will be a tuple of strings of all the capture groups
>>> re.findall(r'([^/]+)/([^/,]+),?', '2020/04,1986/Mar')
[('2020', '04'), ('1986', 'Mar')]
# normal capture group will hinder ability to get whole match
# non-capturing group to the rescue
>>> re.findall(r'\b\w*(?:st|in)\b', 'cost akin more east run')
['cost', 'akin', 'east']
# useful for debugging purposes as well
>>> re.findall(r':.*?:', 'green:3.14:teal::brown:oh!:blue')
[':3.14:', '::', ':oh!:']
- examples for
# split based on one or more digit characters
>>> re.split(r'\d+', 'Sample123string42with777numbers')
['Sample', 'string', 'with', 'numbers']
# split based on digit or whitespace characters
>>> re.split(r'[\d\s]+', '**1\f2\n3star\t7 77\r**')
['**', 'star', '**']
# to include the matching delimiter strings as well in the output
>>> re.split(r'(\d+)', 'Sample123string42with777numbers')
['Sample', '123', 'string', '42', 'with', '777', 'numbers']
# multiple capture groups example
# note that the portion matched by b+ isn't present in the output
>>> re.split(r'(a+)b+(c+)', '3.14aabccc42')
['3.14', 'aa', 'ccc', '42']
# use non-capturing group if capturing is not needed
>>> re.split(r'hand(?:y|ful)', '123handed42handy777handful500')
['123handed42', '777', '500']
- backreferencing within the search pattern
# whole words that have at least one consecutive repeated character
>>> words = ['effort', 'flee', 'facade', 'oddball', 'rat', 'tool']
>>> [w for w in words if'\b\w*(\w)\1\w*\b', w)]
['effort', 'flee', 'oddball', 'tool']
- working with matched portions
# re.Match object
>>>'so+n', 'too soon a song snatch')
<re.Match object; span=(4, 8), match='soon'>
# retrieving entire matched portion, note the use of [0]
>>> motivation = 'Doing is often better than thinking of doing.'
>>>'of.*ink', motivation)[0]
'often better than think'
# capture group example
>>> purchase = 'coffee:100g tea:250g sugar:75g chocolate:50g'
>>> m =':(.*?)g.*?:(.*?)g.*?chocolate:(.*?)g', purchase)
# to get the matched portion of the second capture group
>>> m[2]
# to get a tuple of all the capture groups
>>> m.groups()
('100', '250', '50')
- examples for
# numbers < 350
>>> m_iter = re.finditer(r'[0-9]+', '45 349 651 593 4 204 350')
>>> [m[0] for m in m_iter if int(m[0]) < 350]
['45', '349', '4', '204']
# start and end+1 index of each matching portion
>>> m_iter = re.finditer(r'so+n', 'song too soon snatch')
>>> for m in m_iter:
... print(m.span())
(0, 3)
(9, 13)
- examples for
# add something to the start of every line
>>> ip_lines = "catapults\nconcatenate\ncat"
>>> print(re.sub(r'^', '* ', ip_lines, flags=re.M))
* catapults
* concatenate
* cat
# replace 'par' only at the start of a word
>>> re.sub(r'\bpar', 'X', 'par spar apparent spare part')
'X spar apparent spare Xt'
# same as: r'part|parrot|parent'
>>> re.sub(r'par(en|ro)?t', 'X', 'par part parrot parent')
'par X X X'
# remove first two columns where : is delimiter
>>> re.sub(r'\A([^:]+:){2}', '', 'apple:123:banana:cherry')
- backreferencing in the replacement section
# remove any number of consecutive duplicate words separated by space
# use \W+ instead of space to cover cases like 'a;a<-;a'
>>> re.sub(r'\b(\w+)( \1)+\b', r'\1', 'aa a a a 42 f_1 f_1 f_13.14')
'aa a 42 f_1 f_13.14'
# add something around the matched strings
>>> re.sub(r'\d+', r'(\g<0>0)', '52 apples and 31 mangoes')
'(520) apples and (310) mangoes'
# swap words that are separated by a comma
>>> re.sub(r'(\w+),(\w+)', r'\2,\1', 'good,bad 42,24')
'bad,good 24,42'
# example with both capturing and non-capturing groups
>>> re.sub(r'(\d+)(?:abc)+(\d+)', r'\2:\1', '1000abcabc42 12abcd21')
'42:1000 12abcd21'
- using functions in the replacement section of
>>> from math import factorial
>>> numbers = '1 2 3 4 5'
>>> def fact_num(n):
... return str(factorial(int(n[0])))
>>> re.sub(r'\d+', fact_num, numbers)
'1 2 6 24 120'
# using lambda
>>> re.sub(r'\d+', lambda m: str(factorial(int(m[0]))), numbers)
'1 2 6 24 120'
- examples for lookarounds
# change 'cat' only if it is not followed by a digit character
# note that the end of string satisfies the given assertion
# 'catcat' has two matches as the assertion doesn't consume characters
>>> re.sub(r'cat(?!\d)', 'dog', 'hey cats! cat42 cat_5 catcat')
'hey dogs! cat42 dog_5 dogdog'
# change whole word only if it is not preceded by : or -
>>> re.sub(r'(?<![:-])\b\w+', 'X', ':cart <apple -rest ;tea')
':cart <X -rest ;X'
# extract digits only if it is preceded by - and followed by ; or :
>>> re.findall(r'(?<=-)\d+(?=[:;])', '42 apple-5, fig3; x-83, y-20: f12')
# words containing 'b' and 'e' and 't' in any order
>>> words = ['sequoia', 'questionable', 'exhibit', 'equation']
>>> [w for w in words if'(?=.*b)(?=.*e).*t', w)]
['questionable', 'exhibit']
# match if 'do' is not there between 'at' and 'par'
>>> bool('at((?!do).)*par', 'fox,cat,dog,parrot'))
# match if 'go' is not there between 'at' and 'par'
>>> bool('at((?!go).)*par', 'fox,cat,dog,parrot'))
- examples for
Regular expressions can be compiled using the re.compile()
function, which gives back a re.Pattern
object. The top level re
module functions are all available as methods for this object. Compiling a regular expression helps if the RE has to be used in multiple places or called upon multiple times inside a loop (speed benefit). By default, Python maintains a small list of recently used RE, so the speed benefit doesn't apply for trivial use cases.
>>> pet = re.compile(r'dog')
>>> type(pet)
<class 're.Pattern'>
>>> bool('They bought a dog'))
>>> bool('A cat crossed their path'))
>>> pat = re.compile(r'\([^)]*\)')
>>> pat.sub('', 'a+b(addition) - foo() + c%d(#modulo)')
'a+b - foo + c%d'
>>> pat.sub('', 'Hi there(greeting). Nice day(a(b)')
'Hi there. Nice day'
Understanding Python re(gex)? book🔗
Visit my GitHub repo Understanding Python re(gex)? for details about the book I wrote on Python regular expressions. The book uses plenty of examples to explain the concepts from the basics and introduces more advanced concepts step-by-step. The book also covers the third-party regex module. The cheatsheet and examples presented in this post are based on the contents of this book.