For readability purposes, you can use underscores while declaring large numbers. For example:

>>> 1_000_000_000

>>> 0b1000_1111

Did you know that you can also format numbers with underscore separation?

>>> n = 14310023

# underscore separation
>>> f'{n:_}'

# you can also use comma separation for integers
>>> f'{n:,}'

Here are some examples for displaying numbers in binary, octal and hexadecimal formats:

>>> n = 14310023

>>> f'{n:_b}'
>>> f'{n:#_b}'

>>> f'{n:#_x}'

>>> f'{n:#_o}'

And here's an example with zero filling:

>>> for n in (3, 20, 28):
...     print(f'{n:09_b}')

info See docs.python: Formatted string literals for documentation and other examples.

Video demo:

info See also my 100 Page Python Intro ebook.