When you use a for loop, you get one element per each iteration. If you need the index of the elements as well, use the enumerate() built-in function. You'll get a tuple value per each iteration, containing index (starting with 0 by default) and the value at that index.

>>> nums = [42, 3.14, -2, 1000]
>>> for t in enumerate(nums):
...     print(t)
(0, 42)
(1, 3.14)
(2, -2)
(3, 1000)

>>> names = ['Jo', 'Joe', 'Jon']
>>> [(n1, n2) for i, n1 in enumerate(names) for n2 in names[i+1:]]
[('Jo', 'Joe'), ('Jo', 'Jon'), ('Joe', 'Jon')]

By setting the start argument, you can change the initial value of the index.

>>> items = ('car', 'table', 'book')
>>> for idx, val in enumerate(items, start=1):
...     print(f'{idx}: {val}')
1: car
2: table
3: book

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info See also my 100 Page Python Intro ebook.