Did you know that you can easily increment or decrement a number in Vim?

  • Ctrl+a will increment the number under the cursor or the first occurrence of a number to the right of the cursor
  • Ctrl+x will decrement the number under the cursor or the first occurrence of a number to the right of the cursor

You can also provide a count prefix:

  • 3 followed by Ctrl+a will add 3
  • 1000 followed by Ctrl+x will subtract 1000

Numbers prefixed with 0, 0x and 0b will be treated as octal, hexadecimal and binary respectively. You can also use uppercase for x and b. What if you want numbers prefixed with 0 to be treated as decimal? You can use the nrformats setting as shown below:

set nrformats-=octal

Decimal numbers prefixed with - will be treated as negative numbers. For example, using Ctrl+a on -100 will give you -99. While this is handy, this trips me up often when dealing with date formats like 2021-12-08.

info See :h ctrl-a, :h ctrl-x and :h nrformats for documentation.

Video demo:

info See also my curated list of resources for Vim and Vim Reference Guide.