These commands allow you to move based on a single character search, within the current line only.

  • f( move forward to the next occurrence of character (
  • fb move forward to the next occurrence of character b
  • 3f" move forward to the third occurrence of character "
  • t; move forward to the character just before ;
  • 3tx move forward to the character just before the third occurrence of character x
  • Fa move backward to the character a
  • Ta move backward to the character just after a
  • ; repeat previous f or F or t or T motion in the same direction
  • , repeat previous f or F or t or T motion in the opposite direction
    • for example, tc becomes Tc and vice versa

info Note that the previously used count prefix wouldn't be repeated with ; or , commands, but you can use a new count prefix. If you pressed a wrong motion command, use the Esc key to abandon the search instead of continuing with the wrongly chosen command.

Video demo:

info See also my Vim Reference Guide and curated list of resources for Vim.